Payment Policies:


  • Full Payment - paid on/before October 1 of any dance session.
    This payment normally comes with an added bonus discount for families.

  • Semester Payment - two payments paid on October 1 + February 1 of any dance session. 
    Payment is split in half for semester payments (including or not including costume fees)

  • Monthly Payments- payments broken down into oncer per month payment, taken on the 15th of each month. Monthly payments now run from September 15 through June 15 (or whenever our show week is, please plan accordingly).

  • Weekly Payments - payments taken weekly for 25 weeks beginning the first week of classes.
    Weekly payments are taken after 5pm on Fridays (no payments Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year's weeks)

  • Costume Payments are separate from tuition and added in post-enrollment by Miss Ally. These payments will be taken on 11/1 of each session just before we begin the process of ordering costumes as a studio

An email will be sent to you with a reminder of our payment policies, Miss Ally will follow up with a breakdown for you via email.  Any discrepancies in payments must be discussed prior to classes beginning or the payment will continue as per the email sent.

NOTE: If a tuition payment does not go through/declines, you have 10 days to apply the payment via cash, check or electronic payment via your parent portal before a $25 late fee is applied to that particular payment. 

Any returned checks or bounced electronic payments will result in a $25 fee to cover bank fees on Performing Hearts Dance Studio's end.


If you have a past due tuition balance at Performing Hearts Dance studio, electronic payments are the only form of payment allowed at this time.  If your balance is not paid by the end of a session, you will not be able to register for the next round of dance classes until it is paid in full.  

We expect communication from parents/guardians prior to a payment date if the payment cannot be met.  Save yourself the late fee or an email, let us know with a head's up and give a reschedule date. Past Due Balances should ALWAYS be handled before the beginning of each new dance session - rollover tuition will no longer be allowed unless a payment plan has already been discussed with Allison or Cally prior to that season’s recital. Communication is expected.

Attendance Policy:

Dancers are solely responsible for their class attendance.  If a dancer misses more than 5 dance classes of a single registered class or one required rehearsal, they will be removed from one routine of the teacher's choosing in our recitals.  If more than 3 classes are missed in the months of April, May or June without communication prior, dancer may be removed from at least two routines in show of teacher's choosing.  Consistent tardiness and absences will result in removal from routines in all shows.

We understand that school activities/concerts/conferences happen during the week and that those are mandatory attendance requirements for dancers, but if the absence is not communicated about with at least 48 hours notice to Miss Cally or Miss Ally via text, phone or email - the absence will be marked an unexcused and counted towards the attendance limit.  Prolonged absences due to sickness, injury or surgery is allowed with the note of a doctor, and we expect dancers to attempt to come observe classes if injured or recovering.  If a dancer can no longer attend or partake in dance classes due to a medical issue, a signed doctor's statement must be presented - a refund may be issued or remainder of payment canceled depending on the placement of dropping the class.

PLEASE NOTE: for any/all school functions, we will check out district websites and school pages (websites and social) for confirmation of said event.

Our studio allots 3 snow days for each dance class before having to schedule make up days or add extra time on stage for classes. These are built in to our scheduled year and if are not used then they’re just extra days your dancer has in class (not billed in tuition).

  • PHDS will always follow School District of Wisconsin Dells cancelation decisions - if school is canceled due to winter weather conditions or released early, then our studio will follow suit.

  • You as parents/guardians will be contacted directly via group text messages by your dancer’s scheduled dance class day/time that classes are canceled. We also update our social media sites with the most up-to-date information on winter weather once text messages are sent out to families.

  • Decisions made on behalf of PHDS (without following school districts) will be done with at least 1-2 hours before classes begin so you can know with enough time.

  • If PHDS has to call the night for classes, please know we have done so with a lot of care and caution - knowing many of our dancers come from outside the Wisconsin Dells area and we are taking drive times, road conditions and late-night weather safety into our decision making. We want to be safe and want you all to be safe as well.

Studio Policies:


  • Parents will be permitted to come into the studio for drop off/pick up during the first week of dance classes, after that all drop off + pick ups will be at the front door for safety and overstimulation purposes - just like at school. We simply do not have the room to house as many dancers and parents each night as we used to.

  • Parents are welcome to use the restroom while waiting for dancers.

  • Please do not arrive more than 10 minutes before your dancer's class.  

  • Do not bring valuables to dance class. Performing Hearts Dance Studio is not responsible for items lost or stolen in the waiting area.

  • Dancers will not be allowed out of the building unless a parent/guardian/approved contact is in the parking lot. We will walk to cars if needed.

  • Driving/parking on the grass is not permitted.

  • Please be aware of vehicles pulling in and out of the parking lot, Performing Hearts Dance Studio is not responsible for any parking altercations or accidents that occur during classes


  • Students are expected to be ready for their lesson by the start of class time. This means that they are dressed in the appropriate attire with their hair secured back, and that they have used the restroom.

  • No gum, food or drinks are permitted in the studio. Water bottles are permitted.

  • No excessive conversation should take place during class. This can be disruptive to fellow classmates on the floor. Students can learn by observing others. Please be respectful of yourself and those around you.

  • Kindness goes far in our dance family.

  • Students may not leave the studio building without a teacher's permission. This is for their safety.

  • No street shoes are permitted on the dance floor/warm up room floors as dirt, rainwater, grime and winter salt can cause the flooring to erode and will break down dance shoes.

    Please turn off/silence cell phones prior to entering class, they are a distraction, they should be housed in your dance bag throughout your time in the studio space. NO CHECKING PHONES DURING WATER BREAKS.

  • Parents are not allowed into ongoing classes. If you have a concern, please call or email the studio. If you need to remove your student from class early, please inform the teacher prior to class.

  • Please be prompt to pick up your child at the end of class. Most classes are scheduled back-to-back and we will not babysit students. If they must wait, have them prepare ahead of time with some work to keep them occupied.

  • Students who did not attend school due to illness should not attend dance class. If your dancer shows signs of contagious illness fever, nausea, chills,etc please keep them home to get well, and keep from spreading the illness to the other dancers.

  • Attendance is mandatory in dance classes/rehearsals/dressrehearsals; parents/guardians are responsible for tuition, regardless of how many classes their dancer attends.

  • Excessive absences may result in removal from some or all recital choreography (see attendance policy)

  • It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to be aware of all studio activities, such as observation days, recitals, extra classes, important days, and dates the studio is open or closed. Performing Hearts Dance Studio will post notices and information at the online website, Facebook fan page, through emails, and inside the facility, as well as, on occasion, sending home notes with the students. It is the parent's responsibility to check with the studio or Performing Hearts Dance Studio website/FB page to ensure they are informed.

  • Make-up dance days will only be rescheduled once if a class needs to be made up (non-weather related), if an instance arises in which that make-up class is canceled it will not be made up again.

  • It is the parent's responsibility to inform Performing Hearts Dance Studio of any email address, home address or telephone number change, as well as using the parent portal to update the information.

  • If you believe you are not receiving emails you must contact PHDS so we are made aware and can check + fix the issue.

For information on photo/video consent or our liability release policy - please visit your parent portal via Jackrabbit for details. Policies are subject to change with each session, you will be notified when registering that policies have changed. (rev. 07-2023)